Welcome to Cantrell's Scots Of Ohio

           www.scottypuppies.net & www.scottypuppies.com




                                                   NEW LITTERS  UPDATED  July 12th 2024

                                               Final photo update for Rogue and Sadee's litters!


                                                                                                  Our Scotties

                                                                                                How can I buy a pup on the internet? (FAQ)

                                                                                                  Our Facility





Staples Coupons Online

                 BEWARE OF SCAMMERS.

                   I will ONLY use SCOTTYPUPPIES@AOL.COM for all communication.

                   If you get an email from ANY OTHER ADDRESS, IT IS A SCAM, PERIOD!



                                                   ALL Pictures on this site are © COPYRIGHTED by Cantrell's Scots of Ohio ™ 2021/2022/2023/2024 

                                    All rights reserved.  Pictures may NOT be used for any reason without the WRITTEN permission of James Cantrell